India versus China

What will happen if there is a war between India and China..?

It is not that India and China has never had a war before.
The Sino-Indian War, also known as the Indo-China War and Sino-Indian Border Conflict, was a war between China and India that occurred in 1962....

Nearly 700-900 PLA soldiers died and nearly 1200-1500 Indian soldiers died in that conflict...
And China won and took control over Aksai Chin..
But that was nearly 50 years ago..

India and Chinese relationship these days..


China exported $59 billion worth of goods to India while India imported $19 billion even during their clashes in Galwan in Lion Of Control. This clash resulted in the sacrifices of many soldiers from both the sides..

A war is unlikely as both the countries occupy the top position  in the  major military powers table..

But let us assume that a war had broken between the two  countries.

Let us analyse the powers of both the countries..!

Both the countries will not fire a nuke first as both of them have no first use  policy.
(No first use (NFU) refers to a pledge or a policy by a nuclear power not to use nuclear weapons as a means of warfare unless first attacked by an adversary using nuclear weapons. )

They will fire nukes only as retaliation. So nuclear mushrooms will not be seen in this hypothetical war. Until someone first decided to be jerks...


Military personnel
Active military personnel - 1.4 million
Reserve military personnel - 1.1 million
Paramilitary personnel - 2.52 million

Fighters - 542
Dedicated attack - 130
Transports - 251
Trainers - 345
Special- missions - 70
Tanker fleets - 6
Helicopters - 37

Naval forces
Aircraft carriers - 1
Destroyers - 10
Frigates - 13
Corvettes - 23
Submarines - 13
Patrols - 139

Land forces
Tanks - 4730
Armored vehicles - 10000
Self- propelled artilleries - 100
Towed artilleries - 4040
Rocket projectors - 374

And now...


Military personnel
Active military personnel - 2.8 million
Reserve military personnel - 0.51 million
Paramilitary personnel - 0.66 million

Fighters - 1200
Dedicated attack - 371
Transports - 264
Trainers - 405
Special- missions - 115
Tanker fleets - 3
Helicopters - 902
Attack helicopters - 327

Naval forces
Aircraft carriers - 2
Destroyers - 50
Frigates - 46
Corvettes - 72
Submarines - 79
Patrols - 123
Mine warfare - 36

Land forces
Tanks - 3205
Armored vehicles - 35000
Self- propelled artilleries - 1970
Towed artilleries - 1234
Rocket projectors - 2250


You could see the comparison that Chinese military force is much powerful than the Indian military force..

If India or China try to start a war,the Western countries would soon find out and put a full stop to that idea.... 😉

They (the Western countries) will send their highest diplomats and officials and will try to prevent the war at any cost. It will include pleading, threatening, freezing of economic funds and loans and much more.

The war would end before it could even start..
But let us consider that due to the stubbornness of India or China .
a war had started..

The world would immediately see that the country that started the war is upto no good..

In the Himalayan region, tanks and other land forces would be of no use due to the geography..

Can tanks even travel through this??

This would mean that there is going to be only air and naval battles...
and some bloody wars by soldiers..
For a little piece of land..

Other countries would certainly stop sanctioning loans and foreign imports would be hit.
It would certainly hit the economy causing famines,riots and protests.
And China and India occupy the top position in the world's economy table.

Both the countries will not risk their countries economy for nothing..

So a war will not happen .....

until someone decided to be JERKS 😉..

By CodedDevil-01...
Hope you like the positive outcome of a war that gains nothing..


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